
Welcome to Finding Chi! I document my journey to finding inner peace, adventure, and myself through words, pictures, and videos. Have a look around!


Mama, I Made It! (I'm basically famous)

Mama, I Made It! (I'm basically famous)

The coolest thing happened to me on Thursday... I selected to appear on stage at the Dr. Oz Show! 

We got audience tickets to view a taping of the show and beforehand, we had to fill out a survey about our sleeping patterns. I received a call the day before and was asked to be a guest on the show to talk about my answers. It was so unexpected! Of course I had to say yes!! 

It's like how you see it in the movies! We had our own dressing room, a coffee/snack room, and had our own hair and make-up team! They ran through the segment with us so that there wouldn't be any surprises. We got our own mics, did sound check, and was backstage the entire show. 

I felt really important during that entire time, like I was famous haha! There were a million people coming in and out of our room to check on different things - attire, mics, coordinator, etc. Seeing the behind-the-scene action was absolutely amazing! A lot goes into a production like that. 

My segment was the very last one of the day (they taped 3 different shows that day). The segment is about your chronotype and based on your sleeping patterns, the doctor would explain what the best time of day to do certain things for most productivity. You can take the quiz here: http://thepowerofwhenquiz.com/. We each represented a different animal, there were four. They went through each of us to ask us a few questions from the survey. I got "If you had nothing to do the next day, what time would you wake up?" and "What is your favorite time of the day to eat? Not the actual meal, but time of day." (Btw, I'm a bear! Most people are)

During the second part of the segment, we were brought out again and the Doctor went through a simple routine of when we should wake up, drink coffee, sleep, etc. Of course, when he came to me, he said that I should be waking up around 7am and having sex at 7:30am... I had my eyes wide open and said "my parents are in the audience." That made it a bit awkward... and he kept on repeating, "Remember to have sex." That would pretty hilarious!

I'm not entirely sure when the show is going to air. I looked online at the episode directory and it doesn't seem like anytime this week... so maybe next weekend? I hate seeing myself in videos. It's going to be so cringe worthy. UGH! 

Oh yeah, when I was watching backstage, I saw my mom and Randy on TV:



Tennis, Honey Deuces, and more Tennis [Day 2 in NYC]

Tennis, Honey Deuces, and more Tennis [Day 2 in NYC]