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Pros/Cons of Sahara Desert Tour

Pros/Cons of Sahara Desert Tour


I was very disappointed in the organization and logistics of the desert tour. I didn't pay that much for the tour considering how many miles we drove and getting breakfast and dinner every night but I still wish things could have been planned better.

  • Too many bathroom stops. We are all adults and we don't need to pee every hour. I wish they would ask the entire car whether we needed to make a stop or not because if not then I would rather keep going
  • Better communication between the company and customers. I wish I received mor information about what was going on instead of feeling like they forgot about us and just stuck us with whoever had a free spot in their van. I was not given any information about how to back, what to bring, what to expect, where to meet, etc. I was just told to meet at 7am and that was all. I had to ask specific questions to get the answers but if I didn't know to ask them then I would've been fucked. 
  • Too many solicitor stops. I don't understand why we had to make so many stops at all these small village shops asking us to buy stuff. I could care less about them. I was on the tour for th main attractions. I can buy any of these stuff at the souks back in Marrakech. I felt like they just wanted to shove product down my throat asking me to buy things I didn't want.
  • Not enough time at the main attractions. I wish we had skipped a few bathroom breaks and random visits so that we could have gotten to the main destination earlier so we could have more time there. We only had about 15 mins at the gorges and about 30mins outside on the dunes. That's what I paid for and what I want to enjoy instead of driving around so much.
  • Our driver didn't speak English. This was one of th most annoying part of the trip. He only spoke Arabic and French. There was only one person who spoke French and she was from Brazil so she only spoke French and Portuguese. She would transfer what the driver said to Portuguese and spoke to a couple from Argentina who only spoke Spanish and a little bit of English. We had a English speakers who spoke a bit of Spanish. So it was the world's worse and hardest game of telephone. It was literally impossible to communicate with our driver.
  • The campsite in Mezouga was disgusting. The sheets and pillows all had stains on them. They are definitely never changed. I didn't feel comfortable sleeping on them. 
  • We were only allowed to eat at one place for lunch. The company has contracts with these lunch places but they were all 80-100 dhm per meal, which is absurd. I refused to pay for them so I just ate bread and snacks to keep me full until dinner. Out of the 4 days, I only ate lunch once.
  • We spent way too much time driving in the car. I know things are really far apart and the driving is necessary but I wished they planned it better so we can drive straight to the main attractions because of all the random stops we have to do make the overall driver a lot longer.


Okay now for the good part haha I wanted to end on a good note.  

  • Met some cool people on the trip and had great conversations. Met cool kids from SDSU, a Dutch couple, a Polish couple, and a mother daughter from Canada. We shared our pains and sorrows throughout the entire trip. 
  • Trekking through the desert, riding camels, laying on top of th sand dunes and sleeping in tents were amazing experiences, some that I will never forget or get another chance to experience. These are one in a lifetime opportunities that most don't get to ever think about doing.
  • The price was really good for all of the driving and food we received. I paid 136 euros for 4d3n (driving, breakfast, dinner, camel rides, hotel, and accommodations) plus 2 nights at the hostel. 


Althougt there are a ton of cons and things I wish could have been different, I'm glad I did the trip and would recommend others to do it as well. However, I wish I had done better research and actually read reviews and figured out what was included and what wasn't. I would have paid more for a better organized trip, English driver, and better itenary. I worried too much about finding a cheap deal instead of the overall experience so I now know for next time.

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