
Welcome to Finding Chi! I document my journey to finding inner peace, adventure, and myself through words, pictures, and videos. Have a look around!


[Patagonia] Torres del Paine: Sunrise Video at Las Torres

[Patagonia] Torres del Paine: Sunrise Video at Las Torres

Since my last night was at Camp Central, a 4 hour hike to the base of Los Torres, I woke up at 1:15am to boil some hot water, and got ready to head out. Sunrise in February was around 6/6:15am. If you able to catch the sunrise, this is an absolute MUST. But for now, enjoy this timelapse of the sunrise.

Uploaded by Christina Chi Nguyen on 2017-02-21.

Photos of Atacama Desert that Will Make You Want to Visit

Photos of Atacama Desert that Will Make You Want to Visit

[Patagonia] Torres del Paine: Planning Your Trip

[Patagonia] Torres del Paine: Planning Your Trip