
Welcome to Finding Chi! I document my journey to finding inner peace, adventure, and myself through words, pictures, and videos. Have a look around!


[Alaska] Day 1

[Alaska] Day 1

The first day in Alaska didn't consist of much since we were planning to get up early to drive down to Seward/Kenai in order to secure a camping spot. Both Aly and Mel got into Anchorage much earlier than I did, around 3pm while I got there a little after 11pm. Of course, the first thing they did was go to a bar downtown and get drunk. Haha Of course I didn't expect anything less. I got off the plane to a text that says "Do you want to get a tattoo with us?" and Immediately I knew they were drunk. In all of their intoxicated state, they were able to pick up our rental car, get dinner, go shopping at Wal-Mart, and check-in to our Airbnb before I arrived. So they are pretty coherent drunks, obviously not their first time in the rodeo. 

The Anchorage airport is about a 30 minute drive from downtown Anchorage and a taxi is around $20-25. They don't have uber there so the best way of getting around is taking a taxi or public transportation. I lucked out and got picked up by them. When we got back to the airbnb, our host laid out all of the camping gear he was letting us borrow (such a saint!). That helped us save a ton of money! They also set our individual travel size soap, shampoo, conditioner, and towels for each of us. They also bought us ice cream, bagels, and oj for the next morning! They were really accommodating with our check in/out time. They did have two pet goats so the room smelled a bit but you get used to it. 

The biggest shocker was how bright it was outside when we went to bed! We weren't used to it and the curtains didn't help much. We got into bed around midnight but didn't completely fall asleep until around 1/2am. I was tossing and turning since the sky was still dawn outside and not completely black. Plus I got stuck sleeping in the middle and it got very hot. 

[Alaska] Day 2: Exit Glacier & Mount Marathon Hike

[Alaska] Day 2: Exit Glacier & Mount Marathon Hike

Alaska in July: 6 Day Itinerary

Alaska in July: 6 Day Itinerary