
Welcome to Finding Chi! I document my journey to finding inner peace, adventure, and myself through words, pictures, and videos. Have a look around!


Wowing them with my cooking (tybg no one got sick lol)

Every week we've been taking turns cooking food from our culture. We had tacos then crepes and last night Kenneth and I made asian food. I made spring rolls with homemade fish sauce and Ken made Taiwanese style fried rice. It was a HIT!! But this experience made me realized how hard being a stay at home mom is. Going grocery shopping, cooking for like 15 people, and then cleaning. Oh gawd it was honestly so hectic and tiring but what we made weren't anything that complex. Also know I definitely do not enjoy cooking or cleaning haha. It was a lot of fun though! Everyone loved it and really enjoyed the food. That made me really happy!

But the freaking sesame oil bottle wasn't closed all the way so it got all over the floor. Now my kitchen is very slippery and the entire kitchen smells like it. The mop that gave us was really shitty too and we didn't have soap so trying to clean it up didn't work out so well. 

Dutch Delicacies...

Weekend 1: Amsterdam, Netherlands (Jan. 9-10th)