
Welcome to Finding Chi! I document my journey to finding inner peace, adventure, and myself through words, pictures, and videos. Have a look around!


My first stop and living situation in Malaga, Spain

My first stop and living situation in Malaga, Spain

Spain is my absolute favorite country in Europe so what better way to start off my year than in Spain. I also want to learn Spanish so I felt coming to Spain would be a much easier transition than going straight to Latin America. I've heard amazing things about Malaga - amazing weather, cheap food, by the beach, beautiful sceneries, etc. Plus I wanted to be in a smaller city that would be warm year round. TADA Malaga wins!!

For the next three months, I will be working at a hostel as an overnight receptionist aka my hours are kinda wacky, 2am to 7am. I'll work about 25 hours a week and they provided me my own room with a 30 euro food stipend each week. I think it's a pretty sick deal! Here's a look at my apartment:

Everything is walking distance, which I love, and food/drinks are all pretty cheap. I just did a whole week's worth of groceries, even a bit more, for only 17.8 euros which is about $20. They also sell 1.5 euro bottles of wine... like what is that even legal??

I'm still a bit jetlagged so haven't gotten the chance to really tour the city yet but hopefully I'll get into the swing of things in a few days. I'm also going to start doing Spanish lessons for a really good price, 5 euros an hour. Ahh can't wait!

First crazy encounter working at the hostel

First crazy encounter working at the hostel

Why I'm Taking a Gap Year to Travel

Why I'm Taking a Gap Year to Travel