My first stop and living situation in Malaga, Spain
Spain is my absolute favorite country in Europe so what better way to start off my year than in Spain. I also want to learn Spanish so I felt coming to Spain would be a much easier transition than going straight to Latin America. I've heard amazing things about Malaga - amazing weather, cheap food, by the beach, beautiful sceneries, etc. Plus I wanted to be in a smaller city that would be warm year round. TADA Malaga wins!!
For the next three months, I will be working at a hostel as an overnight receptionist aka my hours are kinda wacky, 2am to 7am. I'll work about 25 hours a week and they provided me my own room with a 30 euro food stipend each week. I think it's a pretty sick deal! Here's a look at my apartment:

Everything is walking distance, which I love, and food/drinks are all pretty cheap. I just did a whole week's worth of groceries, even a bit more, for only 17.8 euros which is about $20. They also sell 1.5 euro bottles of wine... like what is that even legal??
I'm still a bit jetlagged so haven't gotten the chance to really tour the city yet but hopefully I'll get into the swing of things in a few days. I'm also going to start doing Spanish lessons for a really good price, 5 euros an hour. Ahh can't wait!