Welcome to Bon Voyage, Chi! My name is Christina Chi and I created this travel blog to document my journey through the different places around the world I get the chance to explore. It was inspired by my semester abroad in Rotterdam, Netherlands during Spring 2016. I will post photos, videos, and write blogs of the scenery, food, culture, and my thoughts and tips of the different locations. I want to immerse myself in the many wondrous cultures and experiences that the world can offer, to see beyond my protected walls. Traveling can be expensive, tiresome, and uncomfortable but at the same time eye-opening, inspirational, and limitless. I can't wait to fall in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met. I want you to "see the world with me" and hopefully it will inspire you to hop on the next plane to a place you've never been before. 

"We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us."


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