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Last 3 Weeks in Europe - Work Update

Last 3 Weeks in Europe - Work Update

In my previous post about what was going on with my volunteer job in Malaga, I mentioned that there was a mix-up between my current job with a job of another place that I was planning to switch over to. When I wrote that post, I was waiting for a reply from my current boss about whether I could stay because everything was pretty up in the air. 

I got a response and they found a replacement for me. I heard back on Sunday 11/13 that someone was coming on Wednesday and I had to move out by then. This left me in a pretty sticky situation since I don't really have a place to go... I had 2 days to figure out what I'm going to do for the next 3 weeks. I had two options:

  1. Find another volunteering gig in either Malaga and Granada
  2. Travel

The first option is obviously the cheapest of the two and more align with what I had planned so I went that that first. I messaged a ton of volunteering posts on workaway as well as sent individual emails to hostels in Granada. I heard back from one place in Malaga and all the hostels in Granada weren't looking for volunteers at the moment. The job in Malaga seemed pretty cool! I would be doing online marketing and promotion for a fitness retreat and vegan cooking school. It seemed pretty aligned with things I knew how to do and liked. So they set up a meeting with me on Monday at noon, which I shouldn't have agreed to since I am never able to wake up before 2pm after I work. As you probably guessed, I overslept and didn't actually meet with the person. She said she would message me later in the day and we could meeting around 8pm.

As the day went on, I talked to my flatmate and thought about the situation a lot and decided I just wanted to travel. I didn't have it in me to work in Spain for another 3 weeks. I wasn't even bummed that I had missed the meeting so that should have been a sign... My gut is telling me to just travel for the last 3 weeks in Europe and enjoy my time here. 

Now to option 2. Last minute flights are all pretty expensive except everywhere but I already had plans to go to Edinburgh, Scotland on Sunday 11/20 until Wednesday 11/23. I was trying to find something from now until Saturday but flights were ridiculous except for a 13 euro flight to Newcastle in the UK. It's about a 2.5hr train ride to Edinburgh so that seemed like the perfect solution. I booked it right away! Now I'll be going to Newcastle for maybe 2 days then head to Edinburgh a day earlier, on Saturday. 

Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh, Scotland

When I come back, I will have 1.5 weeks before I leave which I think I will be spending in Switzerland. I can either do a round trip from Malaga to Zurich for 90 euros or fly into Zurich and out of Geneva (or vice versa) for about 100-110 euros. I knew Switzerland is not a low-budget friendly type of place but I have family in Geneva and a friend in Zurich who I could stay with for a few nights. Plus I've been wanting to go to Interlaken so badly and this will be my chance!

Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Newcastle upon Tyne, England


I have finished my hostel job in Malaga and will be traveling through the UK and Switzerland for the next 3 weeks. Then I fly out of Europe on December 3rd. 

Quick Recap of Scotland (sorry for being MIA)

Quick Recap of Scotland (sorry for being MIA)

Granada Day 2: Alhambra + Sacromonte Walking Tour

Granada Day 2: Alhambra + Sacromonte Walking Tour